„The physician is the one who knows the invisible,
which has no name and no matter, yet has its effect“
– Paracelsus

Naturopathic medicine

A healthy lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, contact with nature) and protection through appropriate vaccination are important for infection prevention. The immune system can also be supported in a range of additional ways, helping us to protect our body from disease-producing pathogens and harmful environmental factors.
In my practice, I offer the following treatments:

  • Nutritional analysis: Thorough lab testing is carried out to identify potential deficiencies in vitamins (including vitamin D and vitamin B12), minerals (including zinc, selenium and magnesium) and the body’s own hormones and to develop a targeted treatment plan.
  • Intravenous vitamin C: You can find further information on intravenous vitamin C on YouTube by searching for: “The benefits of intravenous vitamin C”.
  • Homoeopathy: I test homoeopathic remedies for the immune system individually, and administer them, if required, as a combined injection or intravenously.
  • Intestinal microbioma diagnostic tests: The intestinal immune system is an essential pillar of the whole human immune system. Imbalances in our gut immune system can be improved and the immune system strengthened using targeted microbial therapy.
  • Autohaemotherapy: Autohaemotherapy can be tested and carried out with the aim of training the immune system.
  • Psychological treatments: Emotional strain and long-term stress inhibit our immune system. Psychological treatments, such as psychosomatic basic care, sound therapy and trauma therapy, can help.


Our intestines play an immensely important role in our health. It is not only an important digestive organ, but also a part of our immune system. In the scientific specialist literature, we speak today about the human microbiome when we refer to the intestinal flora. The treatment of intestinal disorders plays a central role in any naturopathic therapy.

A few noteworthy facts about the intestines reflect their important function. The inner surface of our intestines has a size of 300 to 500 m2 (half of a football field). Seventy percent of our immune cells are located in the intestines. Approximately 10 to the power of 14-15 bacterial microorganisms live in our intestines. As a result, 100 times more microorganisms live inside us than the cells we have. All of the tiny gut bacteria together make up around 700 to 1000 grams of our body weight and have many functions. They constitute a barrier against outside germs, influence the gut-associated immune system, promote the metabolism and circulation of the intestinal mucosa, prepare food for absorption, metabolize toxins and substances and they stimulate intestinal motility.

Very often during the course of our lives we have disrupted our intestinal flora through excessive hygiene, by taking antibiotics, through Caesarean section births, by exposing our food to antibiotics from the food production process or even by eating food that we tolerate poorly. Instead of symbiosis – that is, the cohabitation of helpful and supportive gut bacteria – a so-called dysbiosis can develop over the years. SIBO is the correct diagnosis if the dysbiosis affects the small intestines. The intestinal flora no longer has the correct and thereby protective composition.

Furthermore, the mucosa of the intestines itself is attacked. This leads to what is known as “leaky gut”. Toxins can penetrate unimpeded and lead to chronic inflammation in not just the intestines.

Intestinal diagnostics

Intestinal diagnostics are essential to naturopathic therapy for:

  • intestinal illnesses (diarrhoea, constipation, irritable bowel, chronic inflammatory bowel syndrome)
  • allergic illnesses (eczema, hay fever, asthma)
  • post-COVID, post-vac, chronic fatigue syndrome
  • susceptibility to infections
  • recurring and long-lasting infections
  • rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis)
  • fibromyalgia
  • migraines
  • mental illnesses like depression and anxiety
  • as well as cancer prevention in the context of naturopathic cancer therapy.

The intestinal flora analysis from the stool sample consists of a breakdown of the intestinal bacteria present according to their type as well as their respective number. The pH level provides information about the intestinal environment. A normal pH level for someone with a mixed diet lies at 6 (-7). For vegetarians, the environment is much more acidic with a pH of <6. Inflammatory markers such as alpha-1-antitrypsin show is if the mucosa is permeable, that is whether there is a “leaky gut” present. Immune markers such as the secretory-IgA suggest a weakened gut-associated immune system.

Intestinal therapy

If the intestinal diagnostics reveal the necessity for therapy, then it is important to treat dysbiosis and SIBO.

An integral part of intestinal therapy is the administration of probiotics. That is the microbiological therapy with medications or supplements that contain bacteria or bacterial components.

The intestinal flora is a relatively slow system. A therapy can last several weeks to months. The minimum length of a therapy is eight weeks. A microbiological therapy is always initiated gradually, as it presents a strong stimulus for the immune system.

Another integral part of intestinal therapy is the administration of prebiotics such as inulin, topinambur or lactulose. These should lower the pH level in the intestines, in order to support the colonisation of acidic intestinal flora that is beneficial to our body. This must also be started with very small dosages, since it can cause side effects like gas and abdominal cramping. The information, from the manufacturers, about the dosages of prebiotics are too high, in our experience.

Frequently, as part of a disturbance in intestinal flora, there may occur harmful colonisation of fungus, such as Candida. In these cases, the fungus is also treated. Difficult and therapy-resistant fungal infestations in the intestines can indicate a heavy metal contamination in the body and require elimination of the heavy metals.

If inflammatory activity is determined by the intestinal diagnostics, then a therapy is carried out to calm the intestinal mucosa, so that this can regenerate and seal up again.

In addition to the illnesses listed under intestinal diagnostics, an intestinal therapy is useful during or after antibiotic therapy, for allergy prevention, for baby colic and for alternative therapy for colonisation of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori. To support the childhood development of babies, especially after a Caesarean section and for bottle-fed children, microbiological therapy has proven effective.

Intestinal therapy – it can achieve:

  • strengthening of the immune system
  • regeneration of healthy intestinal flora
  • improvement of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes
  • healing of chronic infections, such as sinusitis, boils, urinary tract infections
  • chronic pain conditions, such as migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis
  • alleviation of allergies, eczema, asthma
  • reduction in food intolerances
  • improvement of mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression

The performance of intravenous therapy has been proven effective in the treatment of certain health problems. In so doing, homeopathic and orthomolecular agents are usually used. Intravenous therapy is usually performed as a course of treatment consisting of ten infusions.

Vitamin C infusion is used for:

  • naturopathic cancer therapy
  • treatment of acute and chronic viral infections and herpes infections
  • natural anti-ageing program

The Procaine-based infusion can achieve:

  • increase in brain performance
  • promotion of memory and ability to concentrate
  • improvement in the symptoms of dizziness and tinnitus

The detoxification program can achieve:

  • internal cleansing of the body and natural anti-ageing
  • a lighter and healthier feeling in the body
  • improvement in skin problems and allergies
  • support for addiction therapy
  • deeper efficacy of healing fasts and dental restoration

The immune treatment course can achieve:

  • less susceptibility to infection
  • better protection against colds
  • faster recovery from infections
  • holiday enjoyment free from infections

The vitality treatment course can achieve:

  • strengthening and vitalisation
  • increased performance
  • regaining of joy from daily tasks
  • enjoyment of life through more energy

For all chronic illnesses and in the context of enhanced healthcare, it is important to provide all vitamins, trace minerals and other micronutrients for optimal care of the body. The targeted search for deficiencies and their adjustment is called orthomolecular medicine.

There are frequently undetected deficiencies caused by the ingestion of medications, unhealthy foods and the increased demand for micronutrients in certain life situations. These deficiencies can be detected through specialised laboratory studies and then adjusted in a targeted way with the help of micronutrient preparations or vitamin injections.

Blood as a healing agent is used therapeutically in many different variations. Autohaemotherapy is a so-called retuning therapy. In the process, the patient’s blood is drawn from the body and introduced again into another site. The body’s own blood at that moment represents a foreign body irritant for the body. In so doing, the body’s own immune system is stimulated toward stronger activity and self-healing capacities are triggered. Autohaemotherapy can be combined with homeopathy. In doing so, the blood drawn from the vein is mixed with individually tested homeopathic agents and then injected again after potentiating.

Autohaemotherapy can be helpful for the following illnesses and conditions:

  • immunodeficiency
  • convalescence / recovery after an illness
  • migraines
  • allergies
  • acute viral and bacterial infections
  • internal healing with chronic infections and inflammations
  • impairment of seasonal immune reactions (hay fever) and allergies.

During neural therapy, very small injections of Procaine are given into pain and trigger points, in order to:

  • alleviate acute pain, particularly in the spine and joints
  • more sustainably vascularise the tissues
  • reduce the pain memory and reach a lasting pain reduction for chronic pain

During homeosiniatry, an injection of homeopathic agents plus Procaine is applied into pain, trigger, and acupuncture points. As a result, in addition to acute and lasting pain reduction, self-healing is stimulated and the inflammatory process reduced.

Naturopathic pain therapy means naturopathic pain therapy. Many different interventions and procedures are included, herein.

In general, we try to unburden the body and support the patients affected so that they feel less pain.

Among others, fasting belongs to these unburdening procedures. This refers to a dietary change that leads to a reduction in hyperacidity. In addition, we assess whether assistance in the elimination of waste products and toxins would be useful. Fasting anddetoxification can be carried out at home with minimal effort after instruction.

During neural therapy, the so-called “quaddles,” very small amounts of the anaesthetic Procaine are injected into the parts of the body that are in pain. Procaine works in the short-term to stop the pain and in the long-term leads to a reduced pain perception. Procaine can be combined with homeopathic remedies and the injections can also be given at trigger and acupuncture points. This is known as homeosiniatry.

Infusions for pain reduction have proven effective for many years. The intravenous therapy mostly consists of a mixture of physiologic saline solutions, the painkiller and regulatory agent Procaine and the buffer sodium bicarbonate. We often mix in homeopathic agents, in order to accelerate healing.

We frequently combine neural therapy with the application of kinesiology tapes. These elastic tapes have a protective effect on joints and lead to effective pain reduction.

As part of naturopathic diagnostics, particularly in the context of pain therapy, we determine whether there is a deficiency in vitamins and trace minerals and attempt to correct the deficiency conditions through targeted nutrition or use of orthomolecular preparations.

For effective pain therapy, the use of relaxation techniques has proven valuable. In our practice, we offer passive relaxation therapy treatments combining magnetic field, light therapy and energy medicine therapy. In addition, regular courses take place for learning meditation for mindfulness-based stress and pain reduction.

The accompanying psychotherapy and psychokinesiology offer additional resources for people suffering from pain, in order to leave the pain and the suffering behind.

„The natural healing force in each of us is the greatest force in getting well.“ – Hippokrates von Kos

Naturopathic cancer therapy means naturopathic cancer therapy. Within the scope of naturopathic cancer therapy, all supportive procedures are used – mistletoe therapy, micronutrient therapy, psycho-oncological care, infusions, energy medicine, acupuncture and sound therapy. So the whole art of healing should benefit the the affected patient, in order to support his or her self-healing capacities.

„Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food. But the noblest and most effective way to allow your inner physician to work is in the omission of all food.“ – Hippokrates von Kos

Base fasting and “detoxification programs” play an important role for all chronic illnesses and preventative healthcare. They are part of the disburdening procedures and often serve as the basis of a successful therapy. In our practice, counselling is given for temporary dietary change, behaviour during the fast and “detox” and, if necessary, naturopathic medicinal support. Fasting and detoxification can be performed at home with minimal effort based on the therapy plans that have been developed.

Fasting and detoxification – they can achieve:

  • internal cleansing of the body
  • improvement in metabolism with diabetes, high cholesterol and elevated uric acid levels
  • reduction in the medication requirement for metabolic diseases and high blood pressure
  • a lighter and healthier feeling in the body
  • improvement in skin problems and allergies
  • support for addiction therapy: increase in the aversion to cigarettes, junk foods and alcohol
  • vitalisation and natural anti-ageing.

Mistletoe has been known as a medicinal plant since antiquity. It has been proven as a medicinal plant in cancer therapy for around 100 years. Scientific studies show that mistletoe has a positive effect on the immune system, improves quality of life and can reduce the side effects of conventional therapies, such as chemotherapy, without interfering with their effectiveness.

Mistletoe therapy is always possible and useful for all types of cancers. It can be started at any time – as early as before or even directly after an operation as well as at any other time, even before, during or after radiation, chemo, hormone, or antibody therapy.

Mistletoe preparations are injected under the skin. Our patients can often perform the injection therapy at home themselves after appropriate instruction and counseling.

Acupuncture is a widely established treatment method from traditional chinese medicine. The acupuncture points are pierced with special fine needles. This method can bolster conventional medical therapies for all illnesses.

Sounds are used worldwide in different forms to treat illnesses of all kinds. In my practice, I work with the body tambura, a wooden stringed instrument that is placed on top of the lying, clothed patient.

Body instruments like the body tambura are instruments used by professional music therapists. With body instruments, the vibration of the instrument is transmitted directly into the body of the patient through direct contact between the human body and the instrument. As a result, there is an audible perception of the sound and also a tangible and thereby holistic stimulation of the patient.

Sound therapy with the body tambura can achieve:

  • deep relaxation of the muscles
  • pain reduction, stress reduction
  • improvement in circulation and wound healing
  • release of blockages in the physical and spiritual planes
  • balancing of chakras through sound

„It is reasonable to expect from a physician that he has respect for the power of the spirit to overcome illnesses.“ – Hippokrates von Kos

In the practice, meditation courses take place in regular intervals for healing and development. Guided meditation sessions are instructed in groups.

Meditation can have a supportive effect in many areas, for example:

  • promotion of calmness and deep relaxation
  • reduction of pain and tension
  • reduction of stress and stress symptoms
  • decrease in depression and anxiety
  • strengthening of the immune system
  • support in the healing of chronic illnesses
  • natural anti-ageing