• I combine conventional medicine
    and naturopathy

Private medical practice
Dr Sylvia Grotjohann-Ernst

I warmly welcome you to my website www.heilen-zehlendorf.de. I hope you will find the information presented here about my practice, the procedures in the practice and my work to be helpful.

Practice focus areas

A combination of holistic general medicine with naturopathy (immune cures | intravenous vitamin therapy | autohaemotherapy | microbioma therapy | neural therapy | nutritional and natural hormone therapy, etc.) and psychotherapeutic methods

Dr Grotjohann-Ernst’s qualifications

Study of human medicine, Rostock University
Doctorate in clinical pharmacology

Training in paediatrics / degree as a specialist for paediatrics:
City hospital in Friedrichshain, Berlin
University paediatric clinic of the RWTH, Aachen

Training in general medicine / degree as general practitioner
City hospital in Friedrichshain, Berlin
Newham general hospital, London
Postgraduate training as a general practitioner, London

Corresponding to the continuing education of the general medical council:

  • Nutritional medicine
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Psychosomatic primary care

Study of complementary medicine, cultural studies, medical science at “Europa University Viadrina”, Frankfurt/O. – without a degree (did not write a master thesis)

  • BERT bioenergetic regulatory technique
  • Biological medicine / naturopathic medicine
  • Naturopathic pain therapy
  • Energy medicine according to Dr Brenda Davies
  • Kinesiology and psychokinesiology
  • Sound therapy
  • Trauma resolution
  • Seminar leader: autogenous training and PMR progressive muscle relaxation, according to Jacobsen
  • Applied immunology
  • Nutritional and bioidentical hormone therapy

Practice organisation

Consultations for holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine and psychosomatic treatments

Consultations for holistic and complementary medicine in my practice are open to all patients with private or statutory health insurance. Patients with statutory health insurance can pay privately for a consultation. In some cases, patients with private health insurance may also have to cover part of the cost themselves, because I take all the time necessary to ensure I fully understand their case and use every aspect of my comprehensive expertise to respond.

These consultations encompass all general medical examinations, in combination with neural therapy, treatment with kinesiology tape, naturopathic IV treatments, intestinal therapy, fasting therapy, microbial therapy, orthomolecular medicine (nutritional and bioidentical hormone therapy), naturopathic pain therapy, naturopathic cancer therapy, acupuncture, sound therapy, meditation, energy medicine and other processes and methods.

Services are billed according to the schedule of fees for medical doctors (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte; GOÄ). The treatment contract as well as data privacy and billing documentation must be signed before consultations take place.


All appointments can be booked online at www.doctolib.de.

Our consultations are by appointment. Additional appointments may be available at other times on request. Please ask.

The acute consultation hours are intended for all patients with urgent concerns, so they can reach me quickly. You can come in for an acute consultation on the days listed without an appointment. Naturally, it is often difficult to estimate how many patients will be present and how long the waiting time will be. In any case, every patient who comes in for an acute consultation will receive treatment. In addition, appointments for acute consultations are made available on Doctolib 24 hours in advance.

When attending an initial consultation, please bring the completed medical history information sheet and signed treatment contract with you, or arrive approximately ten minutes before your appointment so that you have time to complete the documentation then.

For minor concerns and questions, existing patients are welcome to book a telephone or video consultation.